Opportunity for NYC seniors and residents with disabilities to maintain affordable housing. The program is intended to provide a tax credit to allow tenants to avoid rental increases. Applicants must currently live in an apartment that is rent-controlled or rent-stabil...
Grants to New York City businesses to provide workforce training programs that enhance employees' skills. Applicants are required to submit a pre-application form prior to submitting a full proposal. Funding is intended to support training on newly acquired software an...
Grants to New York City nonprofit organizations, local government agencies, public schools, and cultural institutions in eligible locations for a broad range of capital projects serving area residents. Eligible programs and projects are those that benefit the residents...
Income tax credits to New York businesses that have shifted operations to eligible locations within New York City. The tax credits will support businesses that have relocated to recently-renovated or constructed commercial properties. Eligible relocations include those...
Awards to New York City PreK-12 teachers and counselors to recognize exceptional efforts to serve students and families. Awards are intended to honor individuals who have enriched their school community, demonstrated excellence in teaching, and inspired students. The g...
Opportunity for New York City high school and college students to participate in a paid internship program. Successful applicants will complete pre-employment training and a paid summer internship that will last for at least six weeks. The purpose of the program is to ...
Grants to New York City nonprofit organizations for infrastructure projects related to cultural life. Funding is intended for a broad range of projects, including but not limited to the construction or expansion of new facilities, building system repair, renovation of ...